
Surface Corrosion Consultants Ltd (Surface) has worked as a trusted partner with the UK’s leading structural steel company, Severfield since February 2019.
Initially, Severfield deployed our cutting-edge Surface Asset Management (SAM) technology to deliver transformational change across their fire protection inspection activities, however quickly realised the benefits of the online platform to leverage its wider digital strategy. Our SAM software now centrally manages their Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) and Paint Inspection projects, automating processes and delivering tangible benefits including full traceability by load or section, reduced risk, improved safety as well as operational cost efficiencies.


Corrosion is a costly problem. Each year corroded buildings and equipment cost the UK steel industry an estimated £80 billion.

As one of the UK’s leading steel manufacturers, Severfield’s vision is to be recognised as world-class leaders in structural steel, known for its ability to deliver any project to the highest possible standards.

As part of its mission and in today’s fast-paced digital world, Severfield recognised the need for digital enhancement of their corrosion prevention processes. Severfield’s corrosion prevention activities were being recorded manually using Word documents and inefficient systems, often documented by the creation of hard copy reports, which proved almost impossible to track and monitor.

To allow the company to use its strengths and resources to build and deliver the structures of the future, a step towards full digitalisation of its processes was essential.


Surface introduced Severfield to their innovative new app – Surface Asset Management (SAM), an easy to use, digital inspection application that streamlines all aspects of NDT management and coating inspection. The ground-breaking SAM software is a fresh and unique approach to corrosion prevention. Developed by corrosion experts for corrosion experts, the app has been developed with simplicity and efficiency at the forefront of its design.

During the process of steel fabrication, steel sections move into welding lines for completion, after which follows a series of NDT measures to ensure the welds meet specification. On completion, surface preparation and painting is carried out. Previously both inspections were carried out manually, but with the implementation of the revolutionary SAM technology, the NDT and paint inspections are digitally led. Bluetooth enabled tablets upload data direct to the cloud removing the need for laborious manual report compilation.

Furthermore, SAM software developers worked directly with the Severfield production team to transfer their historical data. Downloads from an internal fabrication system was simply imported into SAM, automatically generating inspection reports, filtered by load. Today, any inspection report can be downloaded at the click of a button. Each report is correctly formatted and available anytime, anywhere.

Results and Benefits

SAM removes duplication of tasks and creates a single point of access to monitor corrosion and
manage the execution of coating systems, passive fire protection and insulation instalment.

  • All data is updated, owned and managed by the client
  • Designed to continually evolve and adapt to changing operational needs
  • The software provides full cradle to grave traceability
  • Imported data reporting is instantaneous
  • Manage coating products, blast media and essential variable for concise reporting
  • Imported data is concise, easy to understand and simple to manage and monitor
  • Immediate data accessibility from anywhere with an internet connection
  • Simple user-friendly interface via PC or Tablet

“We operate in a complex and challenging industry, one that often requires innovative thinking and a flexible approach to deliver successful outcomes. The one thing we’ll never compromise on is quality –using SAM, we ensure we are able to maintain the exceptionally high standards we set for ourselves.”


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